Thursday, March 09, 2006
Cross-Exam of Ex-Enron CFO Fastow Continues
The former chief financial officer of Enron Corp. is facing a brutal cross-examination by a defense lawyer suggesting he is setting up his former bosses to save himself a life prison term.
The aggressive questioning by Daniel Petrocelli, lawyer for former Enron chief executive Kenneth Lay, is the first time ex-CFO Andrew Fastow has been grilled in public about his role in the Enron fraud. He pleaded the Fifth Amendment before Congress.
In a tense exchange Wednesday, Petrocelli, in a tone of disbelief, said Fastow watched his own wife go to prison rather than come clean to federal investigators about the his crimes.
Lea Fastow served a year in prison for submitting a tax return that failed to classify as income kickbacks intended for Fastow — some of which were sent in the form of checks to his two young sons.
posted by Anonymous @ 8:35 AM

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