Thursday, December 30, 2004
Transaction Integrity Monitoring
Executives shoulder the responsibilities for both corporate earnings and the integrity of those financial results. In today's highly scrutinized business environment, executives face demanding regulations that impose runaway compliance costs that make compliance an expense rather than an investment. However, good corporate governance should improve your bottom line - not someone else's.
Oversight Systems reduces the cost of ongoing Sarbanes-Oxley compliance by continuously monitoring key controls required for Section 404 certification. With its real-time Transaction Integrity Monitoring solutions, Oversight addresses the tangible costs of controls testing and remediation along with the opportunity costs associated with the internal distractions of compliance.
Oversight catches errors, fraud and internal control issues early in the transaction process so that corrections can be made before time is wasted duplicating and reversing work, before money is lost and before controls are deemed deficient. By identifying the root-cause of control violations and errors in real time, Oversight allows companies to improve the quality of their earnings, ensure accountability, enhance business processes and remediate any weaknesses for regulatory compliance.
posted by Anonymous @ 9:30 AM

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